People Moves
International Law Firm Moves NY-based Lawyer To Help Grow Asia Wealth Planning Arm

Withers expands its Asia wealth planning practice by relocating its New York-based lawyer to Hong Kong.
Withers, the international law firm specialising in the financial services industry, is relocating one of its US-based lawyers to Hong Kong as it expands its Asian wealth planning practice.
Wei Zhang moves from the New York office in response to a growing interest for the firm's US tax planning services for Asian based families, company said in a statement. Zhang joined Withers in 2010, where she had been working on a broad range of tax, estate planning and expatriation issues for international families with US connections. She has also advised on IRS Voluntary Disclosure programmes. In her new role, she will be working closely with the Chinese wealth planning team.
Withers' wealth planning division in Asia consists of 17 lawyers and was recently bolstered by the appointments of Connie Yik Kong, Suzanne Johnston and Karen Lai. In the last 12 months, the firm hired Hong Kong-based consultant Michelle Chow to share her expertise in charity and philanthropy law. This followed the promotions of Philip Munro and Fernando Gandioli as Singapore-based partners.