Fund Management
What's New In Investments, Funds? - Wisdom Tree
The latest offerings in investments, such as funds and structured products, and other notable developments.
WisdomTree has
launched the WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-State-Owned
Enterprises ESG-screened UCITS. The ETF, listed on Monday on the
London Stock Exchange, Börse Xetra and Borsa Italiana, aims to
track the WisdomTree Emerging Markets ex-State-Owned Enterprises
index, live since 2014, and carries a total expense ratio of 0.32
per cent.
SOEs are treated warily by investors and are defined as companies where government ownership exceeds 20 per cent of outstanding shares.
“Over time, government influence on SOEs can lead to quite large but fairly inefficient businesses. This influence can stagnate the long-term growth potential of these companies in their respective emerging markets (EM) economies. A large portion of existing emerging market indices are made up of SOEs increasing the risk investors are taking with their EM exposure,” Aneeka Gupta, director of research at WisdomTree, said.
The UCITS ETF will form part of the group's $5.8 billion range of ex-state-owned enterprises strategies. In tandem with avoiding SOEs and applying ESG screening, the fund is overweight on exposure to "new economy" sectors such as IT and technology, consumer discretionary and communication services.
“SOEs tend to be found in the old economy sectors and are generally less dynamic and innovative than companies in thriving new economy sectors. We anticipate EM growth to come from the innovative corners of the market and companies displaying strong fundamentals – two areas non-SOEs in emerging markets have a clear advantage,” Gupta added.