News, Comment & Analysis results for Trusts and Estates
Where To Now, My Trusted Friend?
For all the changes and setbacks, trusts will, the author says, remain an "essential tool" for...
Financial Advice, Planning In A Fast-Moving World – In Conversation With Stephenson Harwood
As the UK moves to shut down the non-dom system, and other jurisdictions' charms wax and wane, a...
Lessons From Rupert Murdoch’s Legal Battle
A court case is brewing over Rupert Murdoch's plans for succession of his family business and the...
Succession: The Emerging Drama Around The Murdoch Family Trust
An article with international angles, it examines conflicts around the family trust of the media...
WEALTHTALK: Navigating Tax, Estate Planning In Uncertain Times
The Best of 2023 So Far: Challenges For Multi-Generational Families Over Succession
The US TV drama, Succession, put the issues of family business transfer and inheritance into the...
Deutsche Bank Highlights APAC Business's Next-Gen Transfer Challenges
One of the top figures at Deutsche Bank has talked about how only a minority of APAC firms have a...
Offshore Trusts And The Drive Towards Transparency
Most trusts are used for legitimate purposes. Those that are not will find it increasingly...
Hong Kong Court’s Ruling Reaffirms Principles Of Common Intention Constructive Trusts
A recent ruling by a Hong Kong court has important implications for what are called common...
Families Are Becoming More Complex, But Laws Haven't Kept Pace - STEP
The world is becoming more complicated in certain ways, and that includes families and living...
Comment & Analysis results for Trusts and Estates
Hong Kong Court’s Ruling Reaffirms Principles Of Common Intention Constructive Trusts
A recent ruling by a Hong Kong court has important implications for what are called common...
VISTAS, PTCS and SPACs - What's In Singapore Advisors' Toolkits?
Wealth management is no stranger to an eye-watering number of acronymn entities that relate to...
WEALTH TALK: Focus On Communicating With NextGen Inheritors
The latest discussion of wealth industry topics. ...
Inheritance Mostly Overrated As A Source Of Wealth
Is inheritance given too much credit as a source of wealth and therefore do policymakers and...
The Importance of Planning in Wealth Succession - The View From Asia
Business and wealth transfer and succession issues are a big deal in Asia and this article provides...
Do Trusts Have A Future After CRS?
The author of this article ponders whether the trusts sector is going to fully survive the advent...
BOOK REVIEW: Freedom From Wealth By Charles Lowenhaupt
The founder of a wealth advisory business has written a book explaining how those who bestow and...
INTERVIEW: Estate Planning In The Bahamas With BEE
Interview: How One Silicon Valley Firm Tackles The Delicate Issue Of Wealth Transfer
Interview: How One Silicon Valley Firm Tackles The Delicate Issue Of Wealth Transfer
The $5 million gift tax exemption has really pushed the wealth transfer issue to the forefront of...